Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Cookie Traditions!

What a wonderful Christmas Break! The other day my mom, grandma and I make an assortment of delicious cookie treats =) I believe we made: Sugar cookies, snicker doodles, butterscotch brownies, regular brownies, butterscotch & frosted flake cookies, and those cookies with the Hersey kisses on top =D It was the first time we got to cook in the new finished kitchen! and having two ovens made for double the cookies. Hopefully this becomes a tradition.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Back to crafting!

It's been so long since I made something!! I have been so busy with school and such but I made these tulle tutu's for my two favorite 3 year old twins =) Hope you guys enjoy them!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I have been going back and forth in my mind for ten minutes now on what to write about, and I realized that I feel the same about blogging as I do about God.

Let me explain before you start interpreting that yourself.

I go through phases, as I'm sure everyone does, with everything. My daily snack, my methods of distraction, the way I sort my time to do homework, and what nail polish I like the most. Obviously there are more but those are just a few examples. Unfortunately I also go through phases with God which is why I related it to blogging, but there is a deeper reason. Guilt. Every time I go for a long period without praying (or blogging) I feel guilty and not only do I feel guilty I feel unworthy. This normally causes a cycle of me not talking to God (or posting) because I feel as though its not worth it at this point because it has been too long and the damage is done. I never knew why I felt this and the other day as I was explaining it I figured it out.

Its because I hate when people do that to me.

When that friend who hasn't talked to you in 6 months, despite your efforts, just tries to start talking to you again like they haven't been ignoring you?! Yea thats annoying. And I guess it falls under that categorie of Do Unto Others...

So whenever I ignore God for a period of time, I think it is rude of me to just jump back in praying, asking for stuff, yada yada yada. So I don't do it. I'm not really sure of when this cycle actually stops but I know it does at some point.

Writing this got me thinking about how different we actually are from God, even though we are created in his image. By different I mean flawed. When my friend calls I should be beyond thankful to hear from them, no matter how long it had been. My selfish tendencies get in the way more than I notice I'm sure and hopefully I am become more aware of it.

I promise to try to start writing more, and thats more of a promise to myself than the few people who actually read this.

God is love
Christ is truth

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

COTW - tree wall hanging

I LOVE this! So you'll need paper towel rolls (or toilet paper rolls), and paper bags. 

-Cut the paper bags into 6in strips (I used two paper bags with 4 or 5 strips each)
-soak them in water for a couple minutes each, 
-then as you take them out to the water twist them to ring the water out, 
-then begin to form your tree! (I had to use heavy things to hold down the paper bags.)
-Let dry for 24 hours

Now it will not stay together I found out. So I had to glue the branches together to get them to stay in that form. 

Now for the toilet paper rolls. 
-Take a role and flatten it in half. (making an eye shape, or leaf in this case)
- cut one inch sections from the roll
- I used about 40 leafs for this tree.

You don't have to paint it but I thought it would make it look more unique than just a brown tree. I used my leftover Americana paint from my freshman year at DAAP. I had 8 colors and 40 leaves so each color was on 5 leaves. 

Here is the blog that I got the idea from! She has steps to her process on there too

Monday, August 22, 2011

COTW - Jewelry Holder

Jewelry holder made from an old picture frame and fence wire. I found some old tomato fence wire in the basement and my mom let me use an old picture frame and I had some old felt pieces. I used a stapel gun to attach the wire to the back of the inside rectangle of the picture frame the felt was then glued around the outside of the frame to protect from the wire. I then glued seashells to the outside for fun =)

I loveeee it! such a good way to display jewelry!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Today I woke up to a thunder storm. I LOVE thunderstorms. I turned off my alarm and just laid in bed looking out all three of my windows at the large flashes of light. As I am writing this I am comparing lightning to God, which I'm sure has been done before but today it seems relevant. To me it seems there are two types of lightning, the kind that fills your room with a burst of light and the kind that you can see go to the ground and back to the sky. There is a more "pin point" type and an "all encompassing" type.

In comparison to God I believe he works in both ways. There are times when I can feel God in everything that I do, my life is filled with His love and grace. Other times I feel him pointing me to one aspect of my life. Recently I have FINALLY gotten myself into a routine of daily reading and prayer. Its taken me 4 years to get to this point but I can't tell you how happy I am to finally be here. It seems that the more I feel I am doing what I should the more attacks I come under, I have always told friends that attacks are a good sign because they mean you are a threat, but I still dislike them immensely. The more I read the more I see errors in my way of living. This summer I have been probably the happiest I have ever been and always have the mindset that nothing can take me down. That is an easy mindset to have when all is going right. Don't get me wrong hardly anything is going wrong in my life right now but it amazes me how one negative thought can't completely shatter my motivation to stay happy.

I spent this past Sunday and Monday with my family at Lake Cumberland and had a great time! On the drive back I began to think about negative things/thoughts/feelings in my life and for two hours those little things completely consumed me because I let them. I felt like a bad friend/girlfriend/daughter/sister etc. and as I fueled these thoughts the more depression came over me. I have been reading "Walking with God" by John Eldredge and he talks a lot about spiritual warfare and praying against things such as depression, defeat, fear etc. As much as I didn't want to pray in that moment I felt that I had to, so I did. After about 30 minutes I began to feel better and definitely less discouraged.

Sometimes God will pin point things in my life that I need to address and while that isn't the warm and fuzzy God feeling most people are looking for, that is when He is with you most.

Sometimes He consumes me as quick as a flash of lightning and I am reminded who I am living for.

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

COTW - Toilet Paper Roll Wall Hanging

I also got this idea off of  http://pinterest.com/. Its made from toilet paper/paper towel rolls! I mean you throw those things away anyways! there are SO many cool ideas and patterns and I hope to make them all =) Anyways its super easy! 
-take a toilet paper roll and flatten it in half (this will give it that tear drop shape)
-mark off around one inch sections with a pen or something
-cut the roll into 1 in strips
-then glue them into any pattern you want! I would glue four of them together in the center then glue those bigger flower patterns together to make this =)

happy crafting! 

~In the life of Mariah~
-I got business cards last week! WOOP! Thanks to AlwaysClassy for passing them out at her shows =)
-I am also working on uploading a new WordPress website so HOPEFULLY I'll have that up soon...fingers crossed =) 
-I am working on a music video for Crossroads Kids Club, 3-4 year olds =) which I am SUPER excited about
-I got to spend this past weekend with Mark =) which is probably the most exciting thing of all :D I really can't describe how happy he makes me. Still trying to get used to this only seeing him once every couple of months... 

Thats about it for now! Hope everyone has a great day!

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

COTW (craft of the week) - Jean Braclet

So I realize this isn't a happiness challenge, kinda gave up on that since I was so far off on the days. And recently I have been crafting a lot and just kind of wanted to share what I have been making. This first thing is a jean bracelet that I made out of wire, a jean seam, and beads.

They are adorable! I made 4 of them, 2 of which I gave away. And since the wire is already coiled it is so easy to put on and wear for a whole day. 
Have a great day everyone!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 19: Define happiness in your own words

Its quite ironic that I decided to write on this today, and that this is my challenge. This morning I was reading in Hebrews chapter 4 and it was all about rest. How we need rest, God commands us to rest and that not resting is directly disobeying Him. After that I read "Walking with God" by John Eldridge and this particular chapter was talking about Joy, and how most of us have completely taken joy out of our life and replaced it with the "will to survive" to be truly happy is a foreign feeling to us, when the Bible says "and the joy of the Lord will be your strength"

Think about the last time you were truly happy. Maybe it was a camping trip, a horseback ride, backyard football, playing cards with your family, maybe just taking a walk. After that event or day or couple hours, how empowered did you feel? I know that after a good day (like yesterday which ill get to later) I feel like I can take on the word, to be able to smile just for the simple fact that you had a good day is a great feeling. I know that I need to start smiling more, and alot more. People often tell me I look or seem like I'm in a bad mood and this really irks me because I am not in a bad mood and no one ever believes me, so then I get in a bad mood because I'm being questioned for no reason. I blame part of that on my personality but that is no excuse to not smile or act as happy as I am feeling.

Happiness: When you can smile for no reason at all, and know that you love and are loved.

Started my co-op! and I cannot telling you how many ways God has already blessed me, and its only my 4th day! For those of you who don't know I am working at Bridal Divas Ink as an intern. We make wedding stationary for Brides. I have been working a full eight hours every single day and I cannot get enough of it. I am in charge of the Bridal Divas Blog which is going to be fun since I no NOTHING about getting married, but I have learned a whole heck of a lot in the last three days and cannot wait to learn more! I realize that not that many people read this which is fine but if any of you are married or are getting married and have ideas that you would want a blog written about please feel free to let me know! I would love ideas =)

Also, last night Stacy (my boss) took me to an AWESOME class put on by Bad Girl Ventures. Its basically "how to run your own small business" for women. And it is truly AMAZING. I met so many people and got a ton of business cards and I am just an intern! there were so many experts there and a lot of them offered free consultations for Bad Girl members! ahh it was awesome and I am so excited to start working on the social media for BDI. its going to be a great summer everyone! I hope you are all doing well!

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 18: something on your dash that makes you happy.

I am assuming this means the dash of my car? and in that case I don't have anything on my dash at the moment. But I do have a beaded necklace with he C Paw on it hanging from my rear view mirror which makes me incredibly happy. Everytime I think about my school I can't help but be happy. I have so many good memories from college already and I'm not even half way done! I know this is supposed to be the time of my life and I am doing my best to make sure that it is. I picked a major that I LOVE, and I cannot wait to start working in the Design field. I have a section of amazing people that I don't mind (on most days) spending 30+ hours a week with and I have some of the best friends anyone could ever ask for =) whenever I get in my car and see that necklace I am reminded of just how lucky/blessed I am to be where I am.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 17: What inspires you

My parents inspire me. Yes I am one of those kids that had the "perfect life" both my parents are still together, both still have their jobs etc. but let me tell you, I try my best to never take that for granted because I used to. 

Dad: as a father's day tribute and just to tell you how much I appreciate you. 
Thank You: for all the sports team you coached, for all the snow forts you built, for making me realize when I was being selfish, for being hard on me, for expecting the best from me, for encouraging me, for working long hours so we can go to school, for telling/showing me how to treat people, for protecting me, for making me be home at 10, for all the boys you didn't let me date, for taking us to lake cumberland, for showing us how to kneeboard and ski and a thousand other things, for being the best dad that anyone could ever ask for, and many wish they had. I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you do and did for me, and I'm sure that list could go on forever

Mom: as a mother's day tribute. (a tad late)
Thank you: for showing me how to put on make up, for taking me shopping, for helping me get everything for my apartment, for going to every show choir competition, for waking up at 4am to curl my hair, for waking up and sitting with me when I was sick, for taking me to the doctors on countless occasions and stopping at nothing to figure out what was wrong with me, for being strong and an inspiration to me and others, for teaching me how to sew and quilt and for making cool little things with me. thanks for being an awesome mom!

Mom and Dad: I hope you guys know that I want to be just like you when I'm older and you guys are the best parents that anyone could ever ask for. sorry for being a crazy teenage daughter but know that I do appreciate everything you guys have ever done for me and for our family. you guys are the best =)

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 16: the happiest day of your life

Yes I realize I missed like a full month of this. and I could say I was busy but that would be a lie. This post really had me stumped, mainly because I believe everything in life is relative ( got that from my dad) and this is no exception. The happiest day of someones life depends on where they are in life at that time. So after thinking for almost a month on what the happiest day of my life was, I decided I'm going to write about every happy thing that I can remember happening to me. that I would have believed to be my "happiest days". So here goes.

1. one of the earliest happy times I can remember was playing softball for little league. It used to be what I did, softball softball softball. My dad was always my coach, and if you know anything about how little league works if your dad is your coach you are automatically on that team. so there were dads that were always coaches and girls that were always not on my team. One Dad always had a good team, every year. Along with ours. and almost every year they won, and this particular year was no different. It was the end of the season and they were practically undefeated, and had already won that year. We were playing at the new ball diamonds they had just finished. I had almost a rivalry with this other Dad's daughter, and was determined to win this game even if it didnt mean anything for the final record. Now this turns into the typical baseball story. Bases loaded, 2 outs. you know the rest. And I hit a home run. (or grand slam in this case) and as I rounded third and came into home, I tripped on the new home plate, cause it was still sticking out of the ground from being put in. I slid on my knees then had to get back up and run back to touch the plate. It was a nasty wound (and i still have the scar to prove it) but it was by far on the best moments ive ever had. I couldn't even tell you if we won the game, and at that point, I didn't really care.

2. The next thing I remember after that is being at Lake Cumberland, we had just bought our houseboat and it was fall. We could go down all year round because nick and I were only in 5th and 6th grade so school sports hadnt started yet. Nick and I had wet suits so we could swim in the cold water. We took the boat out and tied up in Beavercreek at a place we call Butterfly Point. the water was high and there were a lot of trees (yes whole trees) floating in the water. We found one that we named Junina. Why we named it I couldn't tell you but she was the best floating tree ever =P I remember nick and I sitting on opposite sides of her and floating in the middle of the cove, and I tell you we did everything to keep that tree close to our boat. That was a very happy time, new houseboat, with my family, on the lake when NO one else was, and floating on a tree. The simplicity of it is just amazing =)

3. Being able to learn how to horseback ride is probably next. in 7th grade i met my best friend Morgan and she and her mom taught me how to ride horses.  I cannot tell you how much I love horses. first of all I love big animals such as mastiffs and great danes. so I obviously love horses as well. I do not have horses nor have I ever owned one but being around them is just an awesome experience for me. I find nothing more peaceful than the thought of riding a horse. so needless to say learning how to ride was a wonderfully happy time for me.

4.  two words. Varsity Volleyball. on the final day of tryouts after being told I was one of two freshman on the varsity volleyball team I was on cloud nine. and almost every day of volleyball after that day were some of the happiest days of my life. I guess sports seem to have that effect on me.. on and winning because i am the sorest loser you will ever meet.

5. Meeting Derek Amanda and Mark. after having one of the most horrible freshman years of high school (yes it wasnt all that bad in comparison to other peoples but it was bad for me) meeting the people that would later become my best friends was also one of the happiest times of my life. I couldn't tell you how much they meant to me. but I know I wouldn't be where I am without them.

6. Getting accepted to DAAP. people always tell me I kind of lack emotion. or I have problems expressing my emotions. and I have NEVER been the type to jump up and down screaming. but this is the ONE exception to that statement. I believe my dad and I were both jumping up and down and running around the house. I applied to DAAP on august 2, 2008. And I found out I was accepted on January 30, 2009. I don't think I have ever wanted something so much and to finally get it was beyond a joyful experience. And I try to never take for granted how blessed I am that I knew what I wanted to do the first time around. with no major changes or anything like that.

7. Realizing I finally found the love of my life. that is such a cliche term but it is so true. and once again I won't write too long about it because I realize how annoying it is to people that aren't me. I am pretty sure I haven't stopped being happy since mid April. So I am just combining it into one big happy event. The amount of joy he brings me is un-measurable and I have only gotten to see him once since we've started dating. yes I realize its crazy. but its a crazy feeling being so certain of something and I don't care what other people thing of me. :) last happiest day of my life as of recently. the day I got to see Mark for the first time since we started dating. and knowing I'd drive to the moon and back just to see him for a couple hours.

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 15: A TV show that makes you smile

Recently I've been watching Ghost Whisperer. And for those that have never watch it, Its about a woman who can see spirits who haven't crossed over, and she helps them with their unfinished business with the living. Regardless of your views on ghosts or after life, its a fictional series that I have just been enjoying lately. It mostly ends well and makes me think about how I want to live this life with no regrets, let people know I care about them when I had the chance, and just LIVE life to the best a fullest of my ability =)

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 14: a conversation that makes you smile

Well this doesn't exactly count as a conversation and it might fall under a youtube video that makes you smile but OH WELL! this is a gag reel from step brothers, with scenes that weren't in the actual movie. Enjoy =D

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 13: A movie that makes you smile

DESPICABLE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I LOVE this movie. I mean how could you not? you have the cutest little minions. (which helped influence the first piece on my portfolio). you have Agnes
How could you not love that face, seriously. and tons of other funny parts =) 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 9,10,11,12

Dumb blogger was down =( so now lets put all four of these days together lol.

Day 9: a site that makes you happy. Well I have one site that will always get me to laugh, wether I'm in class or not.

When Parents Text

I can't tell you how many times while reading this site I have been almost at the point of tears because I cannot stop laughing.

Day 10: a youtube video that makes you happy.

I could watch this video all day. I love watching hip hop dances and wish so badly I could dance like this. 

Day 11: A story of something that made you happy today.

I havent dont much today other than sit on the couch and watch ghost whisperer but I talked to my grandma this morning and she told me how her and my mom were cleaning out our basement which is very cramped since we are remodeling our house. and its not really a climatic story but it just made my morning a little better to talk to her and my mom. I miss them a lot. 

Day 12: A description or picture of someone who makes you happy.

Mr. Mark Plaat. =) He is truly one of the biggest blessings in my life right now.  Its really crazy how things work out, and how people end up in your life. And looking back you know that everything led you to this. He amazes me. The amount of joy he brings to my life is incredible, even from over 700 miles away. I get to see him in June =) and even though I don't know how much or when ill see him next. He still makes me the happiest girl in the world.

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 6,7 & 8

These were all so similar that I decided to put them together, they are : something you found when searching, smile, love, and happiness on google. so here it is.


I mean who doesn't love michael jackson with Charlie Chaplin?


I thought this picture was incredibly adorable. I don't think I have met one kid that doesn't love being swung around in circles. ohh to be a kid again, and have no problems.


Well what to say about love...there is SOO much anyone could say on this topic but I think what is the most encouraging about love is that you have the power to give it, and receive it. God IS LOVE. and this picture says it all, his love never fails. the thing about love is it can completely change your outlook on life. " Love gives energy, and enthusiasm to your pursuits.  You may not be able to define love.  You may not be able to quantify love.  But you know when you have it and when you don’t."  This is very relevant to my life right now. I know that I am ALWAYS happier when pursuing a relationship with God, and I also know when I have ignored him in my life because the happiness level in my life decreases greatly. 

Have a great day/week everyone =)

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 6: A picture of a famous person smiling.

I think Angelina Jolie is one of the most beautiful women in hollywood. Just my personal opinion. not sure what else to say about this one, kind of a lame day. oh well. got to spend the whole day with my family, and celebrate mothers day and my grandma's birthday. i love my family =) i'm so incredibly blessed.

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 5: A Song that makes you smile

The Good Life, OneRepublic is the current song on my playlist that makes me smile the most =) great beat, and true, this is a good life. And I mean you only have one! so why not make it the best you can?

Had a great talk today with the best friend =D and it really got me thinking about what I have to be happy for, and why I really should rejoice in my sufferings. Nessa made a good point today, one doesn't truly become a Christian because it makes your life happier, because if anything it makes your life harder. As I told Nessa today, it almost seems the more that goes wrong in your life, the more must be doing something right. Because if the Devil didn't see you as a threat, he wouldn't have to bother with you. And being able to still live for Christ in your times of despair make you even more of a threat. When you give your life to Jesus, you are signing up for a fight, one of the longest most important battles of all time, you are a warrior of God. To me, that is a huge honor. have a great weekend everyone =D

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 4: A Picture you think will make someone else smile

I know this will make someone smile, because we had a good laugh about it in studio today =) Hover cat...get it? its on a glass table. BAHAHAHAHA...no? okay I thought it was funny (:

Go out of your way to be nice to someone, you don't know if you are making their day.

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 3: A text you saved because it made you smile

"Dear Girlfriend, today I woke up and immediately started smiling once I realized that you were still mine. Love, Boyfriend"

Well lets see, hard to explain why exactly that makes me smile =D but it definitely does. He is one of the many reasons I have to smile. And even though he is in Florida, and we have been dating for almost a month and I haven't seen him I'm still happier than ever (: I won't get all mushy on here though, because I realize that obnoxious. Hope you all had a great day, despite the rain, if you live in or around Cincinnati.

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 2: a Quote that makes you smile

I have been looking up a lot of quotes lately so this one was kind of hard but I finally settled on a quote by one my friends Sam Smith.

"Stop wearing your faith like a kick me sign, and start wearing it like a shiny new suit"

This quote has always put a smile on my face and is written inside my study journal. Not only because its so true but its so Sam :) who is an incredible individual in himself. And even though it is a funny quote it is soooo true. It's not like I am ashamed of my faith but I never showed it like I should. Like it is and was the best thing to ever happen to me.

well time to start my day :)

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 1: 30 day happiness challenge

So I'm going to do this challenge...the 30 day happiness challenge. This is good for 2 reasons, one I just posted about how I want to start being happier so this should help. and 2, I don't get to see my wonderful boyfriend for over 30 days...and this might keep me busy and less sad about how much I miss him. so here it is Day 1.

Day 1: a picture of you Smiling.

Kinda hard to pick just one picture because Smiling is one of the things I do best. I love my smile and I've been told I have a nice smile because my mouth is so big but hey I'll take it.  

I guess thats all for the challenge section but I'd like to talk about something that was mentioned at church on sunday.  Brain Tome was speaking on sunday about submitting to the King of the story. ( we are doing a series called the Story and its going through the story of God, from before creation to now) And he said something that really struck me, that Jesus calls us to pick up our crosses and follow him. Which to someone in the 21st century doesn't hit how it should because crosses are viewed as a religious symbol, a tattoo, a neckless etc.  when in context, its a form of execution. So if Jesus were alive today he would tell us to pick up our Lethal Injections (or Electric Chair) and follow him and we would be getting tattoos of needles instead of crosses, interesting. When I think about what that really means it makes me really question how I'm living my life. To go into the world to spread the good news, but to bring what they will kill you with along with you. To have Jesus as the only thing worth dying for in your life. For Jesus to come out on top of EVERYTHING in your life, when it comes down to it. 

Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple."

When I first saw that come up on the screen at church my first thought was "wow, harsh"  but once explained, like I said it really hit me. That's kind of depressing when it comes to a Happiness challenge lol but its just what I've been thinking about today and yesterday. 

Here is a better verse to leave on.
Luke 12:25 - Who of you, by worrying, can add a single hour to his life?

Being stressed and worrying won't add to you life =D so find things to enjoy!!

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sometimes you just have to suck it up.

This is not going to be nearly as long as my last post but I just wanted to get some thoughts out. N and I were talking tonight and it really got me thinking about how we look at life, and how many little things I have let stress me out lately, and how many of those things REALLY don't matter. Life is always going to throw things at you, and it is all about how you respond to them that makes you who you are. You have to think, is this really worth my energy? will getting upset about this help anything? and the answer is normally no. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and be happy! Only you are in control of the happiness in your life, if you want there to be happiness, then let it in! allow it to take over you! I don't understand why it is so strange for someone to just be generally happy anymore. If someone is in a good mood there always has to be a reason. But I think from now on I am going to force myself to only allow joyful things into my life, not saying I'm avoiding the bad but I have control over what affects me. BE HAPPY! =D

Forgiveness, define that for me... What does it mean to Forgive. Sure the Bible says to forgive, and to not only forgive once but to forgive 77 times. But what does forgiveness look like? I've been struggling with this question a lot the last couple days, mainly because I am feeling negative emotions toward someone I thought I had, in my heart, forgiven. Does it mean you can have a normal conversation with that person, without holding a grudge? or bringing up the situation in question? Does it mean you want the best for them? despite what they did? Does it mean you feel content about what they did to you? I'm not sure. I want to say I have forgiven this person and truly wish the best for them, but I want to feel it in my heart. N had a great quote "forgiveness is when you see the person that caused you harm, and instead of wishing evil upon them, you pray for them instead. It's an attitude change." I thought this was a great way of putting it. Another thing I thought of for my own situation is that forgiveness is no longer letting that situation affect how I view myself, or that person. This view relates directly back to the happiness I was talking about earlier, I can control what I think about myself, and what I let get to me. The Devil is incredibly crafty and I just have to rely on Christ to help me fight the bad thoughts and only entertain the good and hopeful. The amount of good that has come out of this situation is ASTOUNDING, I have met and grown closer to the friends I'm certain I will have for the rest of my life. I have regained my relationship with God, I have started to become the woman I want to be. And the man of my dreams seemed to fall right into my life. =D My only regret is that I let myself stray so far from God that this had to happen to get me back. But I am thankful everyday to serve a God who will fight for me, when I don't deserve it. And I am going to challenge myself to pour good into people who we may think don't deserve it. If God can show me this much love, I can make an effort to get out of my comfort zone and help build up others. Don't underestimate the power of happiness.

If anyone actually does read this, I'd love to know your thoughts, like I said I'm trying to figure it out.

Corrie Ten Boom, a Christian woman who survived a Nazi concentration camp during the Holocaust said "Forgiveness is to set a prisoner free, and to realize the prisoner was you."

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Friday, April 15, 2011

A "blogger", that sounds weird...

So here we go!? I created a blog, why? I couldn't really tell you. Probably for the fact that I have so many thoughts racing through my mind on a daily basis that getting them out in some way should be beneficial right? And while I'm pouring my thoughts onto a document it might as well have a pretty background and a url to go with it. Now, I am not expecting anyone to read this, I can't think of many people's lives that I would want to be this up to date on but I guess it is here if anyone should care.

Well I guess this should start with who Mariah Acord is. I am a broken child of God, first and foremost. I am the daughter to two of the most amazing parents one could ever ask for, and I couldn't be doing half of what I'm doing with my life if it wasn't for them. I am also the sister to one of the coolest brothers ever. I am a student at the University of Cincinnati, studying Digital Design. I'm short, around 5'3" unfortunately. I am competitive to an almost unreasonable extent (ask anyone who has ever beat me at anything). I am happy and blessed in ways that I couldn't even imagine. I think thats a good enough start considering I'm not really sure who I am yet and get reminded of that on a daily basis.

To elaborate, I am a broken child of God. It seems hard to remember that this life is a small fraction of eternity and I seem to focus on right now a lot more than I should be. It is a funny thing how God works, or how I have seen God work in my life recently. It seems that He will always bring you back to Him, and you just have to be willing to listen, which I have to tell you is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. But I can't even explain how amazing the benefits are. Its also crazy to look back and see how God prepared you for what was about to happen, in May of last year I met my best friend Nessa, which in turn got me living in the apartment I am now, meeting some of the most amazing people and friends i could ever ask for, and an incredible support system. I have never really been one for showing/ expressing emotions other than happiness to friends. And she likes to point this out to me on a weekly basis =) but when it comes to someone who knows what your thinking, is able to give you incredibly helpful advice and is feeling something very similar to what you are, there is no comparison. Everyone always talked about accountability and I always found that silly, but now, having someone to keep me accountable is beyond helpful to my spiritual growth. You never realize how thankful you are for someone until they show you love when you absolutely 100% don't deserve it. In January I went through one of the worst spiritual battles I have ever had the pleasure of fighting. And I will tell you, if it was not for her I would still be lost and and father away from God than I have ever been. For someone to show you love in your darkest hour, is the sign of an amazing blessing.

Which brings me to the latest blessing in my life. one of my best friends of 5 years is now my boyfriend. And normally I look down upon people who rush into relationships and just talk about how happy they are immediately after. But I'm doing to be that person so if that annoys you like it did me, skip this paragraph. I cannot tell you how ecstatic I am to be dating him. I have never felt so comfortable or sure of anything in my life. And people keep asking me "how did this happen" and to be honest I'm still trying to figure that out. All I know is I could not be more excited. Yes he is in the Navy and stationed many states away, and yes I won't get to see him for months, but for some reason that doesn't seem to matter =)

Well this has already turned out to be longer than I expected it to be and even though I have plenty more to talk about I'm not sure anyone would care to read it and I think this is enough for the first one. I think I'm going to like this blogging thing =)