Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 1: 30 day happiness challenge

So I'm going to do this challenge...the 30 day happiness challenge. This is good for 2 reasons, one I just posted about how I want to start being happier so this should help. and 2, I don't get to see my wonderful boyfriend for over 30 days...and this might keep me busy and less sad about how much I miss him. so here it is Day 1.

Day 1: a picture of you Smiling.

Kinda hard to pick just one picture because Smiling is one of the things I do best. I love my smile and I've been told I have a nice smile because my mouth is so big but hey I'll take it.  

I guess thats all for the challenge section but I'd like to talk about something that was mentioned at church on sunday.  Brain Tome was speaking on sunday about submitting to the King of the story. ( we are doing a series called the Story and its going through the story of God, from before creation to now) And he said something that really struck me, that Jesus calls us to pick up our crosses and follow him. Which to someone in the 21st century doesn't hit how it should because crosses are viewed as a religious symbol, a tattoo, a neckless etc.  when in context, its a form of execution. So if Jesus were alive today he would tell us to pick up our Lethal Injections (or Electric Chair) and follow him and we would be getting tattoos of needles instead of crosses, interesting. When I think about what that really means it makes me really question how I'm living my life. To go into the world to spread the good news, but to bring what they will kill you with along with you. To have Jesus as the only thing worth dying for in your life. For Jesus to come out on top of EVERYTHING in your life, when it comes down to it. 

Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple."

When I first saw that come up on the screen at church my first thought was "wow, harsh"  but once explained, like I said it really hit me. That's kind of depressing when it comes to a Happiness challenge lol but its just what I've been thinking about today and yesterday. 

Here is a better verse to leave on.
Luke 12:25 - Who of you, by worrying, can add a single hour to his life?

Being stressed and worrying won't add to you life =D so find things to enjoy!!

God is Love
Christ is Truth

1 comment:

  1. Very true that you have a most wonderful smile Mariah! ~
