Friday, April 15, 2011

A "blogger", that sounds weird...

So here we go!? I created a blog, why? I couldn't really tell you. Probably for the fact that I have so many thoughts racing through my mind on a daily basis that getting them out in some way should be beneficial right? And while I'm pouring my thoughts onto a document it might as well have a pretty background and a url to go with it. Now, I am not expecting anyone to read this, I can't think of many people's lives that I would want to be this up to date on but I guess it is here if anyone should care.

Well I guess this should start with who Mariah Acord is. I am a broken child of God, first and foremost. I am the daughter to two of the most amazing parents one could ever ask for, and I couldn't be doing half of what I'm doing with my life if it wasn't for them. I am also the sister to one of the coolest brothers ever. I am a student at the University of Cincinnati, studying Digital Design. I'm short, around 5'3" unfortunately. I am competitive to an almost unreasonable extent (ask anyone who has ever beat me at anything). I am happy and blessed in ways that I couldn't even imagine. I think thats a good enough start considering I'm not really sure who I am yet and get reminded of that on a daily basis.

To elaborate, I am a broken child of God. It seems hard to remember that this life is a small fraction of eternity and I seem to focus on right now a lot more than I should be. It is a funny thing how God works, or how I have seen God work in my life recently. It seems that He will always bring you back to Him, and you just have to be willing to listen, which I have to tell you is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. But I can't even explain how amazing the benefits are. Its also crazy to look back and see how God prepared you for what was about to happen, in May of last year I met my best friend Nessa, which in turn got me living in the apartment I am now, meeting some of the most amazing people and friends i could ever ask for, and an incredible support system. I have never really been one for showing/ expressing emotions other than happiness to friends. And she likes to point this out to me on a weekly basis =) but when it comes to someone who knows what your thinking, is able to give you incredibly helpful advice and is feeling something very similar to what you are, there is no comparison. Everyone always talked about accountability and I always found that silly, but now, having someone to keep me accountable is beyond helpful to my spiritual growth. You never realize how thankful you are for someone until they show you love when you absolutely 100% don't deserve it. In January I went through one of the worst spiritual battles I have ever had the pleasure of fighting. And I will tell you, if it was not for her I would still be lost and and father away from God than I have ever been. For someone to show you love in your darkest hour, is the sign of an amazing blessing.

Which brings me to the latest blessing in my life. one of my best friends of 5 years is now my boyfriend. And normally I look down upon people who rush into relationships and just talk about how happy they are immediately after. But I'm doing to be that person so if that annoys you like it did me, skip this paragraph. I cannot tell you how ecstatic I am to be dating him. I have never felt so comfortable or sure of anything in my life. And people keep asking me "how did this happen" and to be honest I'm still trying to figure that out. All I know is I could not be more excited. Yes he is in the Navy and stationed many states away, and yes I won't get to see him for months, but for some reason that doesn't seem to matter =)

Well this has already turned out to be longer than I expected it to be and even though I have plenty more to talk about I'm not sure anyone would care to read it and I think this is enough for the first one. I think I'm going to like this blogging thing =)

1 comment:

  1. I read this all! Haha I hope you continue to grow in God, I can only guess what you went through in January but you aren't alone, it's not easy for people our age to stay on the right path, it's good you're back on though :] God really does give you a peace that nothing & no one else can give. I'm also happy for you & Mark, I know he's liked you for a long time - he's a great friend and all around person. I know we didn't talk much but I from what I got out of meeting you, I had a good feeling. I wish you two the best :]
