Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Today I woke up to a thunder storm. I LOVE thunderstorms. I turned off my alarm and just laid in bed looking out all three of my windows at the large flashes of light. As I am writing this I am comparing lightning to God, which I'm sure has been done before but today it seems relevant. To me it seems there are two types of lightning, the kind that fills your room with a burst of light and the kind that you can see go to the ground and back to the sky. There is a more "pin point" type and an "all encompassing" type.

In comparison to God I believe he works in both ways. There are times when I can feel God in everything that I do, my life is filled with His love and grace. Other times I feel him pointing me to one aspect of my life. Recently I have FINALLY gotten myself into a routine of daily reading and prayer. Its taken me 4 years to get to this point but I can't tell you how happy I am to finally be here. It seems that the more I feel I am doing what I should the more attacks I come under, I have always told friends that attacks are a good sign because they mean you are a threat, but I still dislike them immensely. The more I read the more I see errors in my way of living. This summer I have been probably the happiest I have ever been and always have the mindset that nothing can take me down. That is an easy mindset to have when all is going right. Don't get me wrong hardly anything is going wrong in my life right now but it amazes me how one negative thought can't completely shatter my motivation to stay happy.

I spent this past Sunday and Monday with my family at Lake Cumberland and had a great time! On the drive back I began to think about negative things/thoughts/feelings in my life and for two hours those little things completely consumed me because I let them. I felt like a bad friend/girlfriend/daughter/sister etc. and as I fueled these thoughts the more depression came over me. I have been reading "Walking with God" by John Eldredge and he talks a lot about spiritual warfare and praying against things such as depression, defeat, fear etc. As much as I didn't want to pray in that moment I felt that I had to, so I did. After about 30 minutes I began to feel better and definitely less discouraged.

Sometimes God will pin point things in my life that I need to address and while that isn't the warm and fuzzy God feeling most people are looking for, that is when He is with you most.

Sometimes He consumes me as quick as a flash of lightning and I am reminded who I am living for.

God is Love
Christ is Truth

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