Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 15: A TV show that makes you smile

Recently I've been watching Ghost Whisperer. And for those that have never watch it, Its about a woman who can see spirits who haven't crossed over, and she helps them with their unfinished business with the living. Regardless of your views on ghosts or after life, its a fictional series that I have just been enjoying lately. It mostly ends well and makes me think about how I want to live this life with no regrets, let people know I care about them when I had the chance, and just LIVE life to the best a fullest of my ability =)

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 14: a conversation that makes you smile

Well this doesn't exactly count as a conversation and it might fall under a youtube video that makes you smile but OH WELL! this is a gag reel from step brothers, with scenes that weren't in the actual movie. Enjoy =D

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 13: A movie that makes you smile

DESPICABLE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I LOVE this movie. I mean how could you not? you have the cutest little minions. (which helped influence the first piece on my portfolio). you have Agnes
How could you not love that face, seriously. and tons of other funny parts =) 

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day 9,10,11,12

Dumb blogger was down =( so now lets put all four of these days together lol.

Day 9: a site that makes you happy. Well I have one site that will always get me to laugh, wether I'm in class or not.

When Parents Text

I can't tell you how many times while reading this site I have been almost at the point of tears because I cannot stop laughing.

Day 10: a youtube video that makes you happy.

I could watch this video all day. I love watching hip hop dances and wish so badly I could dance like this. 

Day 11: A story of something that made you happy today.

I havent dont much today other than sit on the couch and watch ghost whisperer but I talked to my grandma this morning and she told me how her and my mom were cleaning out our basement which is very cramped since we are remodeling our house. and its not really a climatic story but it just made my morning a little better to talk to her and my mom. I miss them a lot. 

Day 12: A description or picture of someone who makes you happy.

Mr. Mark Plaat. =) He is truly one of the biggest blessings in my life right now.  Its really crazy how things work out, and how people end up in your life. And looking back you know that everything led you to this. He amazes me. The amount of joy he brings to my life is incredible, even from over 700 miles away. I get to see him in June =) and even though I don't know how much or when ill see him next. He still makes me the happiest girl in the world.

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 6,7 & 8

These were all so similar that I decided to put them together, they are : something you found when searching, smile, love, and happiness on google. so here it is.


I mean who doesn't love michael jackson with Charlie Chaplin?


I thought this picture was incredibly adorable. I don't think I have met one kid that doesn't love being swung around in circles. ohh to be a kid again, and have no problems.


Well what to say about love...there is SOO much anyone could say on this topic but I think what is the most encouraging about love is that you have the power to give it, and receive it. God IS LOVE. and this picture says it all, his love never fails. the thing about love is it can completely change your outlook on life. " Love gives energy, and enthusiasm to your pursuits.  You may not be able to define love.  You may not be able to quantify love.  But you know when you have it and when you don’t."  This is very relevant to my life right now. I know that I am ALWAYS happier when pursuing a relationship with God, and I also know when I have ignored him in my life because the happiness level in my life decreases greatly. 

Have a great day/week everyone =)

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 6: A picture of a famous person smiling.

I think Angelina Jolie is one of the most beautiful women in hollywood. Just my personal opinion. not sure what else to say about this one, kind of a lame day. oh well. got to spend the whole day with my family, and celebrate mothers day and my grandma's birthday. i love my family =) i'm so incredibly blessed.

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 5: A Song that makes you smile

The Good Life, OneRepublic is the current song on my playlist that makes me smile the most =) great beat, and true, this is a good life. And I mean you only have one! so why not make it the best you can?

Had a great talk today with the best friend =D and it really got me thinking about what I have to be happy for, and why I really should rejoice in my sufferings. Nessa made a good point today, one doesn't truly become a Christian because it makes your life happier, because if anything it makes your life harder. As I told Nessa today, it almost seems the more that goes wrong in your life, the more must be doing something right. Because if the Devil didn't see you as a threat, he wouldn't have to bother with you. And being able to still live for Christ in your times of despair make you even more of a threat. When you give your life to Jesus, you are signing up for a fight, one of the longest most important battles of all time, you are a warrior of God. To me, that is a huge honor. have a great weekend everyone =D

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 4: A Picture you think will make someone else smile

I know this will make someone smile, because we had a good laugh about it in studio today =) Hover cat...get it? its on a glass table. okay I thought it was funny (:

Go out of your way to be nice to someone, you don't know if you are making their day.

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 3: A text you saved because it made you smile

"Dear Girlfriend, today I woke up and immediately started smiling once I realized that you were still mine. Love, Boyfriend"

Well lets see, hard to explain why exactly that makes me smile =D but it definitely does. He is one of the many reasons I have to smile. And even though he is in Florida, and we have been dating for almost a month and I haven't seen him I'm still happier than ever (: I won't get all mushy on here though, because I realize that obnoxious. Hope you all had a great day, despite the rain, if you live in or around Cincinnati.

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 2: a Quote that makes you smile

I have been looking up a lot of quotes lately so this one was kind of hard but I finally settled on a quote by one my friends Sam Smith.

"Stop wearing your faith like a kick me sign, and start wearing it like a shiny new suit"

This quote has always put a smile on my face and is written inside my study journal. Not only because its so true but its so Sam :) who is an incredible individual in himself. And even though it is a funny quote it is soooo true. It's not like I am ashamed of my faith but I never showed it like I should. Like it is and was the best thing to ever happen to me.

well time to start my day :)

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 1: 30 day happiness challenge

So I'm going to do this challenge...the 30 day happiness challenge. This is good for 2 reasons, one I just posted about how I want to start being happier so this should help. and 2, I don't get to see my wonderful boyfriend for over 30 days...and this might keep me busy and less sad about how much I miss him. so here it is Day 1.

Day 1: a picture of you Smiling.

Kinda hard to pick just one picture because Smiling is one of the things I do best. I love my smile and I've been told I have a nice smile because my mouth is so big but hey I'll take it.  

I guess thats all for the challenge section but I'd like to talk about something that was mentioned at church on sunday.  Brain Tome was speaking on sunday about submitting to the King of the story. ( we are doing a series called the Story and its going through the story of God, from before creation to now) And he said something that really struck me, that Jesus calls us to pick up our crosses and follow him. Which to someone in the 21st century doesn't hit how it should because crosses are viewed as a religious symbol, a tattoo, a neckless etc.  when in context, its a form of execution. So if Jesus were alive today he would tell us to pick up our Lethal Injections (or Electric Chair) and follow him and we would be getting tattoos of needles instead of crosses, interesting. When I think about what that really means it makes me really question how I'm living my life. To go into the world to spread the good news, but to bring what they will kill you with along with you. To have Jesus as the only thing worth dying for in your life. For Jesus to come out on top of EVERYTHING in your life, when it comes down to it. 

Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple."

When I first saw that come up on the screen at church my first thought was "wow, harsh"  but once explained, like I said it really hit me. That's kind of depressing when it comes to a Happiness challenge lol but its just what I've been thinking about today and yesterday. 

Here is a better verse to leave on.
Luke 12:25 - Who of you, by worrying, can add a single hour to his life?

Being stressed and worrying won't add to you life =D so find things to enjoy!!

God is Love
Christ is Truth

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sometimes you just have to suck it up.

This is not going to be nearly as long as my last post but I just wanted to get some thoughts out. N and I were talking tonight and it really got me thinking about how we look at life, and how many little things I have let stress me out lately, and how many of those things REALLY don't matter. Life is always going to throw things at you, and it is all about how you respond to them that makes you who you are. You have to think, is this really worth my energy? will getting upset about this help anything? and the answer is normally no. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and be happy! Only you are in control of the happiness in your life, if you want there to be happiness, then let it in! allow it to take over you! I don't understand why it is so strange for someone to just be generally happy anymore. If someone is in a good mood there always has to be a reason. But I think from now on I am going to force myself to only allow joyful things into my life, not saying I'm avoiding the bad but I have control over what affects me. BE HAPPY! =D

Forgiveness, define that for me... What does it mean to Forgive. Sure the Bible says to forgive, and to not only forgive once but to forgive 77 times. But what does forgiveness look like? I've been struggling with this question a lot the last couple days, mainly because I am feeling negative emotions toward someone I thought I had, in my heart, forgiven. Does it mean you can have a normal conversation with that person, without holding a grudge? or bringing up the situation in question? Does it mean you want the best for them? despite what they did? Does it mean you feel content about what they did to you? I'm not sure. I want to say I have forgiven this person and truly wish the best for them, but I want to feel it in my heart. N had a great quote "forgiveness is when you see the person that caused you harm, and instead of wishing evil upon them, you pray for them instead. It's an attitude change." I thought this was a great way of putting it. Another thing I thought of for my own situation is that forgiveness is no longer letting that situation affect how I view myself, or that person. This view relates directly back to the happiness I was talking about earlier, I can control what I think about myself, and what I let get to me. The Devil is incredibly crafty and I just have to rely on Christ to help me fight the bad thoughts and only entertain the good and hopeful. The amount of good that has come out of this situation is ASTOUNDING, I have met and grown closer to the friends I'm certain I will have for the rest of my life. I have regained my relationship with God, I have started to become the woman I want to be. And the man of my dreams seemed to fall right into my life. =D My only regret is that I let myself stray so far from God that this had to happen to get me back. But I am thankful everyday to serve a God who will fight for me, when I don't deserve it. And I am going to challenge myself to pour good into people who we may think don't deserve it. If God can show me this much love, I can make an effort to get out of my comfort zone and help build up others. Don't underestimate the power of happiness.

If anyone actually does read this, I'd love to know your thoughts, like I said I'm trying to figure it out.

Corrie Ten Boom, a Christian woman who survived a Nazi concentration camp during the Holocaust said "Forgiveness is to set a prisoner free, and to realize the prisoner was you."

God is Love
Christ is Truth