I LOVE this! So you'll need paper towel rolls (or toilet paper rolls), and paper bags.
-Cut the paper bags into 6in strips (I used two paper bags with 4 or 5 strips each)
-soak them in water for a couple minutes each,
-then as you take them out to the water twist them to ring the water out,
-then begin to form your tree! (I had to use heavy things to hold down the paper bags.)
-Let dry for 24 hours
Now it will not stay together I found out. So I had to glue the branches together to get them to stay in that form.
Now for the toilet paper rolls.
-Take a role and flatten it in half. (making an eye shape, or leaf in this case)
- cut one inch sections from the roll
- I used about 40 leafs for this tree.
You don't have to paint it but I thought it would make it look more unique than just a brown tree. I used my leftover Americana paint from my freshman year at DAAP. I had 8 colors and 40 leaves so each color was on 5 leaves.
Here is the blog that I got the idea from! She has steps to her process on there too